
Ubuntu 11.10 – Add Netbeans to Unity launcher


To add Netbeans to the Unity launcher in Ubuntu 11.10 is unfortunately not as easy as executing the application and click “Stick in launcher”.

Problems: - If you click on the icon again, it will try to start a new instance of Netbeans. Netbeans will see that it’s already opened, so it will not start another instance, but this way it’s still dirty and slow. - Unity will forget the link on reboot, so the icon disappears.

To solve these problems, download http://plugins.netbeans.org/plugin/40321/unity-launcher first.

Open Netbeans and go to Tools -> Plugins -> Downloads -> More >

Ubuntu 11.10 – Install downloaded deb file with dependencies


First of all, let me say it’s always best to install with the Ubuntu software centre or Synaptic (still my personal favourite). But if the package is only available for download on a certain website, for example MySQL Workbench, you must download the deb file (debian package) and install it by yourself. Open a terminal and execute:

sudo dpkg -i downloaded_package.deb

You will probably get errors about missing packages (dependencies) now. Execute:

sudo apt-get -f install

You’re done! The debian package is now successfully installed with all its dependencies!


Ubuntu 11.10 – Configure POEdit for Zend Framework


In this post I’ll desribe how to configure POEdit for Zend Framework in Ubuntu. However POEdit is cross platform compatible and has the same GUI on Windows and Mac, so for these platforms you can also follow several steps below.

If you don’t have POEdit installed yet, open a terminal and execute:

apt-get install poedit

Now start the application with “Alt + F2″ and type “poeditor” and double click the icon. If you start POEdit for the first time, you’ll see the preferences dialog.

Append ” -L php” to the end of the “Parser command:” text field.

More >

Ubuntu Server 10.10/11.04 – Selenium Server (headless) & PHPUnit


This tutorial explains how to run Selenium test cases with Selenium Server and PHPUnit on a Linux server that has no GUI (headless).

Make sure you have pear installed. Then upgrade to at least version 1.9.2

pear upgrade pear

Install firefox

apt-get install firefox

In order to run firefox on a headless server (means without a GUI), Xvfb (X virtual frame buffer) must be used. To install it:

apt-get install xvfb

Install Java:

apt-get install openjdk-6-jre-headless

Download Selenium Server and put it on your server, for example: /opt/selenium-server.jar. http://seleniumhq.org/download/ or direct link More >

Ubuntu 11.04 – Add bottom panel to Unity


I recently installed the new Ubuntu 11.04 desktop version. The new interface is really cool, saves space and is really clean.

Also the ability to easily put a window on part of the desktop grid is a feature I always missed in Ubuntu. However I just can’t get used to the fact that unity has no bottom panel anymore. Ofcoure “Super+w” key combination works quite well, but with a bottom panel you’re just one click away to get full access to another window.

I don’t like to get back to using Gnome, but lucky for us we can get the More >

Ubuntu Server 10.10 – Postfix alternative SMTP port 587


Some internet access providers have port 25 disabled in their routers to prevent spam. If you run your own mailserver in a datacenter, you might have to enable the submission port (587) in postfix to be able to send emails from your local email client to your own mailserver.

To enable port 587, edit the file /etc/postfix/master.cf

Copy this line

smtp inet n - - - - smtpd

And change “smtp” into “submission”.

submission inet n - - - - smtpd

Restart postfix

service postfix restart

The email server listens now to the alternative SMTP port 587.

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