Posts tagged amazon ecr

Jenkins Amazon ECR token update
06 years ago
by Pieter Vogelaar
in DevOps
With the use of the Jenkins Docker Pipeline plugin, it’s easy to build and push Docker images.
For example, building in a Jenkinsfile:
script { dockerImage ="${env.DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}", "${args}") }
And push:
script { docker.withRegistry("${env.DOCKER_PRIVATE_REGISTRY_URL}", "docker-private-registry-${env.DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}") { dockerImage.push("${env.DOCKER_IMAGE_SHORT_PUSH_TAG}") } }
The Docker registry username and password are provided by the credential ID “docker-private-registry-${env.DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}”. However Amazon ECR uses tokens that are only valid for 12 hours. So the password that you specify when creating the credential will only work in the example above for a short period of time.
With the following script it’s More >