Posts tagged jenkins


Jenkins Amazon ECR token update


With the use of the Jenkins Docker Pipeline plugin, it’s easy to build and push Docker images.    

For example, building in a Jenkinsfile:

script {
    dockerImage ="${env.DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG}",  "${args}")

And push:

script {
            "docker-private-registry-${env.DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}") {

The Docker registry username and password are provided by the credential ID “docker-private-registry-${env.DEPLOY_ENVIRONMENT}”. However Amazon ECR uses tokens that are only valid for 12 hours. So the password that you specify when creating the credential will only work in the example above for a short period of time.

With the following script it’s More >


Trigger Jenkins multibranch pipeline with curl or webhook


Git branch source

Jenkins jobs that use the widely used git plugin, can be triggered remotely with curl or a webhook. The job must have the option “Poll SCM” enabled. That’s all to enable push triggers, no timer has to be configured. Jobs are only executed if there is an actual source code change. Off course you can configure a timer, if you also want a periodic pull.

An example curl commando to trigger all jobs that have configured the repository URL “ssh://git@bitbucket.mycompany.example/demo/my-api.git” in Git SCM and have “Poll SCM” enabled:

curl 'http://jenkins.mycompany.example/git/notifyCommit?url=ssh://git@bitbucket.mycompany.example/demo/my-api.git' --user 'jenkins-trigger:mysecrettoken123'

More >


Jenkinsfile Docker pipeline multi stage


Using a Jenkinsfile to configure the Jenkins build job for source code is great. Jenkins has a very nice Docker Pipeline plugin that makes it possible to execute docker commands nicely during the build.

Note: Don’t forget to read on this page the update of 16 august 2018.

However, a lot of the examples at keep it very simple. They start and stop in one pipeline stage, with methods like docker.inside or docker.withRun. For example, building a container, running it, executing commands in it and destroy it, all within one stage. For several use More >

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